Inside Room At Ocean Cruise Ship – It’s Not Bad At All!
JAN 26, 2022 AT 02:37 AM
As you probably know, there are some types of staterooms and suites on a modern cruise ship. There were times when ships were narrow enough to provide sea view from each guest stateroom, but today things changed. The cruise ships are huge machines, these are cities on the water that can host over 5 or 6 thousand guests along with 2000 crew.
Before you buy a ticket to a cruise ship, you need to know what options of accommodation you have. Usually, big ships offer these four kinds of rooms: interior or inside staterooms, sea-view rooms, balcony rooms, and suites. There may be some kinds of suites like a family suite and royal suite, but there are only 2 to 5% of such rooms on a ship. The majority of rooms are balcony and sea-view, and this is a decent choice if you are ready to pay more.
But if you want to spare your money, there is another option called the inside room. And today we prepared a couple of reasons why you actually should choose an interior room without any windows and balconies. Well, yeah, if you have enough money to cover that difference between a balcony room and an inside room, you may just go to other videos that we offer. But if you want to pay less, like we always do, then let’s get started.
Will you spend that much time in your room?
Modern cruise ships offer insane entertainments, wonderful restaurants, dozens of bars, and literally hundreds of other spots where you are likely to spend your time starting from early morning and finishing with the late evening. So, no, you won’t spend much time in your room and paying too much for accomodation is not the best idea.
Passengers in those expensive balcony rooms and in extremely expensive suites basically get the same services as passengers in low-cost interior rooms. It’s not like in that Titanic movie third-class if you know what we mean.
Sea-sickness is the issue to consider
Interior rooms are usually located on lower decks and they are always closer to the center of the ship. This is the best place to be if you can be sea-sick. Well, it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t feel any bad effects of the ship swaying on the water, but it reduces the number of factors that can trigger seasickness.
You will feel swaying much in upper decks where the most luxurious and expensive suites are usually located. But if you are afraid of being sea-sick, you should let your fears go because modern ships will sway hard only during strong storms which rarely happen on cruise ship routes.
This room is best for sleeping
There are two things that you will probably like in interior rooms – they are dark as the darkest night you’ve ever seen in your life, and they are also silent. Even though all rooms have proper insulation on modern ships, you will still hear the noise of water in your balcony or sea-view room. Near any shore, you may also hear birds crying all around the ship. Interior rooms are the best for long sleeping – the rising sun won’t wake you up. So if you are going to cruise for some rest and long sleep, better choose an interior room.
This room is really cheaper to book
Have you seen those cool ads of cruise companies offering you cruises to some paradise islands starting FROM $399? This ‘from’ actually means the price for an interior room. Statistics says that usually sea-view rooms that have only a window that differs then from an inside room, cost 15% more expensive. And balcony rooms will cost 35-40% more expensive. Suites are different kinds of rooms for people who don’t care about money, so the difference with an interior stateroom may be 300 to 400%!
So you can go to 4 cruises in an interior stateroom or choose only 1 cruise with the same services and facilities for the same money but in a suite. Hard choice, right?
What’s a virtual balcony room?
If you try to book a cruise in a modern or newly refitted ship, you will probably find the option of a virtual balcony room. This room is usually a little more expensive or even the same price as a simple interior stateroom and it has an 80-inch screen inside that shows the views of the sea captured by cameras on the outside of the ship.
You can turn the virtual balcony on, sit near it and feel like you are in a balcony room. And then you can turn it off and go to bed without any sounds and light disturbing you. Of course, not all ships still have this option, but nearly all new cruise ships offer virtual balcony rooms, so it’s a good choice.
Are there any restrictions for guests in interior staterooms?
Of course not! You have the same options included in your cruise price as passengers who spent money on balcony rooms and sea-view staterooms. The only difference is that you paid much less, but you still can use the same facilities, walk on the same promenade, ride the same attractions, have meals in the same restaurants. Yes, some things aren’t included in your price, like drinks in bars, but they aren’t included in all basic tariffs, so it’s not about the room you choose, but about the class of service onboard you pay for.