The Saga of a Hedgehog and its Bengal Buddy

MAY 09, 2020 AT 02:39 AM


If you want to put an instant smile on your face, check out the delightful friendship of Herbee the hedgehog and Audree the Bengal kitten, Part of the Mr. Pokee family, their owner, Germany-based Talitha Girnus, updates fans on her social media. The popular pair have over 1.8 million Instagram followers, which increased over the past six months by 300k.


Hedgehog and cat


Herbee, an adorable hedgehog and his friend, Audrey the Bengal cat, have become social media celebrities. Talitha captures their delightful adventures in natural settings. 


Cozy friendship


You can’t get cozier than this heartwarming scene of the two buddies.


Friends cat and hedgehog


The friendship started a few months after Talitha adopted Herbee from a girl who couldn’t keep him due to severe allergic reactions. Talitha then adopted Audree when she was three months old. Although Audrey was reserved for a woman who wanted to breed her, she canceled two days before Talitha called.


Bengal cat and hedgehog


Talitha wanted a cat for many years, and she knew Bengals got on well with other pets. She was looking for a cat that would go on adventures with her, a factor that didn’t apply to most cats.


Friendly animals


Talitha said, “And then one night I had a dream that I had a Bengal cat that I took on adventures and we became the best friends ever.”


Audree and Herbee


When Talitha woke up and realized it had only been a dream, she was upset. Then she realized shortly after that she could turn her dream into reality.


Dinner from one bowl


Talitha started Googling. When she first found Audree, she knew she was the cat for her. After speaking with the breeder, Talitha felt like she was destined to find Audree.


Audrie’s first meeting


Once Talitha saw Audree, she knew they were meant to be together.


Herbee with Audrie


Talitha took Herbee along when she visited Audree before making a final decision. They became friends instantly and now they’re inseparable!


Strong friendship


Herbee and Audrey go everywhere together. Audrey lays down where Herbee lay and they often cuddle and play together. Audree is now almost a year old!


Cautious cat

Sitting on Audree


Talitha said that when Herbee and Audree first met, they weren’t curious. Herbee didn’t raise his quills and wasn’t afraid of the cat. However, Audree was cautious.


Traveling together


They have dinner together in the evenings, often from the same bowl. Audree enjoys Herbee’s food more than hers even though they eat the same food (except for Herbee’s insects).


Near snowy lake


Audree sometimes sleeps in Herbee’s cage or just watches him. While he bit Audree once, he didn’t hurt her. She meowed and left, but it never happened again.


Beautiful nature


Talitha began posting pictures of animals in 2015 when she got her hedgehog, Pokee, who was eight weeks old. This is why all her social media accounts are named after Pokee, the original hedgehog.


Pictures of cat and hedgehog

The owner, Talitha, is always looking for creative ways to take pictures of these best friends. She posts new pictures almost every day, and none are photoshopped. The only tool she uses is a few filters for effect.


Animals look happy

One of the most adorable features about Talitha’s pictures is that Audree and Herbee always look so content. We believe Talitha is a wonderful mom because the love she has for her pets shows in their expressions.


Picture of smiling hedgehog

You can’t help but smile and feel uplifted when you see how Herbee is always smiling. This picture perfectly captures those cozy bedtime moments as he and best friend, Audree, cuddle together before going to sleep.


Sunflowers and hedgehog

A beautiful field of golden sunflowers brings the most charming smile to Herbee. Talitha admits that the animals enjoy the sun and particularly adore being among the sunflowers. She also says that taking pictures in the sunflowers is always so easy.


Pictures in sunflowers

No matter where Talitha sees sunflowers, she stops to take some pictures. And no wonder! Who can resist Herbee’s happy smile?


Hedgehog blows on a dandelion

Another thing Herbee loves to do is blow on a dandelion and make a wish. You can see in his face the anticipation he feels while he reaches for the dandelion and gets ready to make his wish.


Hedgehog gives flowers to woman

In this picture, Herbee is giving us a cuteness overload moment. It looks like he’s going to give Talitha a gift of a flower to thank her for being such a caring and loving human.


Woman and animals form a family

Talitha and her pets make the most wonderful family and their happiness shines from every picture. Nowadays, they travel often and have become Instagram stars. Thousands of fans follow Audree and Herbee’s story every day.


Friendship of cat and hedgehog

The pictures that get the most Instagram “likes” are those that show both Audree and Herbee. Their friendship is truly unique as typically, cats and hedgehogs aren’t friends, but the bond these two share is undeniable.


Animals give us their smile

The motto of this unusual family is very simple: “If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!” And who can resist smiling at Herbee’s sweet little face among a field of daisies?


Hedgehog is a photo model

Herbee is definitely a natural model. He’s ridiculously photogenic and Talitha uses his charming personality to take the most wonderful pictures. Who wouldn’t want to see this happy smile on Instagram first thing in the morning?


Cute family pictures

Talitha rarely appears in her “family” pictures, but sometimes she’ll take more personal ones that she keeps to herself rather than post on social media.


Wonderful pictures with animals

But sometimes Talitha encounters a photo opportunity that’s too good to miss and will take an impromptu selfie to capture the moment. These pictures are among the best in her collection and sometimes she’ll post them on Instagram.


Pets are like children

Although Talitha loves her pets like her own kids, she tries not to forget that her best friends are animals. She also says that one of the best things in life is to dream about something because her dreams come true when she thinks positively about them.


Wishes come true

Also Talitha always says that the best thing in life is dreaming about something. Her wishes come true as soon as she starts thinking positively about them.


Pets have their own fans

Lots of fans love making cute gifts for Talitha and her pets. One artist created a miniature Herbee and sent it to Talitha. Needless to say, this was the perfect reason for yet another wonderful photoshoot.


Smiling hedgehog

Another picture of a smiling Herbee holding a daisy is sure to melt your heart. Many fans have asked Talitha if it’s difficult taking pictures of animals, but she says it’s easy, fun, and the animals love it.


Woman loves her hedgehog

Talitha wrote a touching message to Herbee in one of her photos: “Dear Herbee, I just wanted you to know that I love you to the moon and back. You have helped me so much in the hardest time of my life and I want to thank you for that.”


Woman is thankful to her friends

Talitha truly appreciates the support she gets from her followers and says to all her friends: “To our friends all around the world: I want you to know that we’re here for you. We support you. And we LOVE you!”


Woman puts her soul into pictures

The best pictures happen when you put your heart and soul into it. And Talitha certainly puts both into her heartwarming pictures. Every moment she chooses for a picture is delightful.


Cat looks serious

Sometimes Audree looks a little serious, but Talitha says that it’s her normal expression. Herbee is always joyful and smiling but Audree is sometimes moody for no reason.


Animals look happy

Both animals look happy whenever they’re around flowers. In this picture, even Audree looks happy to be in a beautiful field of daisies.


Great accessories in pictures

Sometimes Talitha uses accessories to make the pictures even more delightful. In this picture, matching sets of heart-shaped glasses add an adorable touch to their playful pose.


Beautiful pictures with animals

Talitha loves taking beautiful pictures all over Europe. When she travels, she usually takes the pets with her. Herbee and Audree love traveling and look forward to any chance to get away from home.


Bengal cat and her kittens

Recently, Audree gave birth to three wonderful kittens. It was the best news Talitha has ever shared on her Instagram account. Audree’s kittens look exactly like her — beautiful and happy.


Hedgehog in tiny socks

Talitha has another interesting and delightful hobby — knitting socks for Herbee. She says life is better when you have tiny socks. And looking at all of Herbee’s pictures wearing those miniature socks, is there anything cuter in the world?