Why Do I Get Really Upset When Plans Change? We Explain
DEC 07, 2022 AT 02:18 AM
Have you ever been in a situation where you made a plan, told everyone about it, and then it falls apart at the last minute? It's incredibly frustrating and can leave you feeling angry and powerless. It feels unfair to have your plans fail, especially if you had been planning them for a while.
We might think that it’s not that big of a deal, but then why do we get so upset when plans change? The answer lies in the psychological impact of expectations. Change can be difficult for many of us to handle and when we plan something and share it with others, we create expectations and a need for control.

This is especially true for those of us who have difficulty adjusting to unexpected alterations in our lives. Have you ever found yourself getting agitated when plans change? If so, you are not alone. It is natural to feel overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, and even angry when our plans change without our consent.
Understanding the root cause of this reaction can help us to better manage our emotions and learn how to better cope with change. In this article, we will explore what causes us to become so upset when plans change and provide tips for navigating this difficult situation.
Why Do Plans Changing Cause Us to Feel So Upset?
When we make plans, it's often in response to desires, needs, and goals. If you've booked a holiday, it's probably because you want to escape the daily grind, recharge, and feel relaxed. If you've booked a trip to visit family, it's probably because you want to feel connected and grateful.
When plans change, these desires, needs, and goals are often left unmet or pushed back. It can leave you feeling disappointed and frustrated. Plans also give us a sense of purpose. When we know what we're doing and when it helps us to feel in control. When plans change, we often lose this sense of purpose, and it can leave us feeling disorientated.
Many of us have a strong attachment to what we expect to happen in our lives. These expectations often stem from a need to feel safe and secure but when plans are disrupted, these expectations are challenged and we may feel threatened. This sense of threat can lead to fear, which can increase our stress levels and cause us to feel anxious.
Moreover, when our plans change, we often lose a certain level of control over our lives. This can be a very frightening feeling, especially for those of us who rely on control to manage our anxiety. When control slips away, this can result in feelings of uncertainty and powerlessness that can add to our stress levels.
It can also make us feel unimportant and like our thoughts and feelings don't matter. This frustration can then lead to anger and resentment towards the person or situation that has caused the change.
Coping with Unexpected Changes
One of the best ways to cope with unexpected changes is to identify the root cause of your anxiety. Once you understand the source of your stress, you can better manage your emotions and make a plan to overcome the source of your distress.
The best way to do this is to calmly sit down and think about the situation that has caused you to feel stressed out. What is causing you to feel this way? What is the root cause of your anxiety? Is it because you are afraid of the unknown?
Are you attached to a certain expectation? Are you worried that you won't have enough control over your life? Is the situation making you feel disempowered? Write down your thoughts and feelings so that you can begin to get a better grasp of the situation. Once you have a better understanding of your feelings, you will be better equipped to manage them and move forward with your life.
Another approach to coping with unexpected changes is to practice self-care. When you are feeling stressed out it is important to take time away from the source of your distress so that you can collect your thoughts and re-center yourself. It is also important to take care of your physical and mental health by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and connecting with friends and family.
Finally, positive affirmations can be very helpful when coping with unexpected changes. Affirming positive statements about yourself can help to boost your self-esteem and give you a positive source of energy that can help to sustain you through difficult times.
Taking The Necessary Measures for a Smooth Experience
It's important to communicate with others when plans change for a few reasons. Letting others know how you're feeling shows them you care, and it translates that you're human. It also helps you to let go of your emotions so you don't hold onto them and let them drag you down.
But when plans change, it's also important to communicate with yourself; it’s easy to feel disorientated. It's essential to let yourself know that everything is okay and that you're okay. It helps to let yourself know what you're feeling and why. Change happens all the time, and it's important to be able to adapt quickly when plans change.
But when it happens, it's important to manage your emotions so you can stay connected with yourself and those around you. Recognize and acknowledge your feelings, feel them, and manage them. Take responsibility: when plans change and leave you feeling upset, it's important to take responsibility for how you respond.
You're in charge of your emotions, and how you react to situations. It's easy to blame other people when plans change, but when you do so, you're creating additional tension. By communicating with others, you can let them know how you're feeling, and ask for their support. Let them know you value their time and effort and let them know how to avoid another situation like this in the future.
Practical Tips to Help Manage Plans Changing
By creating positive habits, you can lessen the burden of the change. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind of life, and it can be tempting to let yourself get sucked into a vortex of negativity. But when plans change, it's important to lift yourself out of these negative habits and create positive ones.
You can also practice gratitude; when things don’t go according to plan, it can be easy to get caught up in disappointment and frustration. Practicing gratitude when activities change can help you to stay grounded and grateful for your life.
Another very important stress-reducing task is sleep. It's easy to let rest fall at the bottom of your list of priorities when things get busy. But sleep is important, especially when plans change and leave you feeling stressed. The relief that accompanies a good nap or night’s sleep is definitely beneficial.
Conclusion: How to Process and Accept Plans Changing
It's important to remind yourself that plans changing is normal, and it's often out of your control. It's important to take a step back from the situation so you can see it from a distance. It's easy to get caught up in the moment and lose perspective.
When you take a step back, you can see the situation for what it is, and you can process and accept it. It's important to remember that plans changing doesn't reflect on you as a person. You're not a failure because plans change.
It's important to accept that plan changes aren’t a rare thing. It's also important to remind yourself that you can't control everything and that you can't be perfect. The best thing you can do is try your best, know that you're enough, and take care of yourself.