Survival: What you should do when bitten [7 tips]

JAN 16, 2021 AT 01:32 AM


Cat bite

Cat bite


We’ll start with our favorite pet – the cat. 

Cat bites aren’t usually thought to be dangerous, but this isn’t always the case. Thousands of dangerous bacteria and microorganisms inhabit a cat’s mouth, and they can cause severe infection and even death! These infections develop extremely quickly and can be detected in the human body after just 12–48 hours.

What should you do when you are bitten by a cat?

  1. First, wash the injury with soap and water – the soap is alkaline.
  2. Use antiseptic as soon as possible.
  3. Bandage the injury.

After administering first aid, you should contact your doctor. One important thing to check for is rabies, and the majority of people who are bitten by a cat need antibiotics. So you do need to be careful with your pets. Let’s move on…


Dog bite

Dog bite


We think of dogs as our best friends, but sometimes they can be our worst enemies in terms of health. A dog bite can be extremely dangerous. While we tend to be afraid of scars that might remain, we often don’t think about the other dangers. Dogs are very often carriers of the rabies virus, which infects the human brain very quickly and destroys its nerve connections, causing a slow death.

What should you do?

  1. Wash the injury with soap and warm water.
  2. Use antiseptic as soon as possible.
  3. Cover the bite with a loose bandage.

These steps are very effective as first aid, but you do need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe medications if needed.


Snake bite

Snake bite


When a person disturbs a snake and it bites them, quite often we don’t actually see it. Even if you did notice the snake, it would be hard to tell if it was venomous. But you can find out more by looking at the bite mark.

If the snake is nonvenomous, you will see two small, thin scratches or lines.

A nonvenomous snake bite hurts a lot, but these bites don’t actually present any kind of danger to your health.

What should you do?

  1. Lie down and relax.
  2. Remove clothes and accessories from the area that has been bitten to ensure normal blood circulation.
  3. Wash the injury with boiled water and disinfectant.
  4. Use antiseptic.

Now let’s talk about venomous snakes.

If the snake is venomous, you’ll see two spots, which were created by its fangs.

What should you do?

  1. Immobilize the affected limb with a bandage or splint.
  2. Suck the venom out in the first 5–10 minutes after the bite but don’t swallow the venom!
  3. Disinfect the injured spot with antiseptic. It is better not to use alcohol to clean the wound.
  4. Apply a clean, loose bandage to the site of injury.
  5. Put something cold on the bite.
  6. Drink as much water as you can to encourage the toxins to leave your body.
  7. Take antihistamines.

After first aid, you need to get to the nearest hospital where doctors can administer an anti-venom serum.


Wasp, bee, or hornet sting

Wasp, bee, or hornet sting


Stings from these insects are very painful and usually cause redness and swelling around the sting.

They can cause high-risk allergic reactions and even death, so you need to be well prepared in order to help other people and yourself.

What should you do?

  1. Examine the injury. If there is a sting left in it, you should remove it.
  2. Apply antiseptic or salt water to the sting mark.
  3. Put something cold on the spot to reducing the swelling and pain.
  4. Drink a lot of water.

If you start noticing an allergic reaction, you should immediately call an ambulance or visit the nearest hospital to get medical treatment.


Scorpion sting

Scorpion sting


Scorpions, just like snakes, can be venomous or nonvenomous. Unfortunately, you can’t tell just by looking at the sting. That’s why the best option is to seek medical help as soon as possible, otherwise it can lead to severe consequences and even death.

However, first aid is still very important.

What should you do?

  1. Squeeze the sting to remove the venom. You can also make a small cut in the sting mark and suck out the venom.
  2. Cauterize the sting with hot metal such as a spoon.
  3. Put something cold on the spot.
  4. Disinfect. You can use any kind of antiseptic.
  5. Apply a tight bandage a little higher than the site of injury.

Remember that when sucking out the venom, you need to spit it out. Any wound inside your mouth can be a route for the venom to enter your body.


Rat bite

Rat bite


Many people think that rats would never bite, but rat attacks on people aren’t as rare as you might think. Rats are everywhere, especially in dump sites, warehouses, and cellars. These wild animals are the carriers of many dangerous diseases such as rabies, tetanus, plague, and more.

What should you do?

  1. Stop the bleeding.
  2. Wash the injury with soap and warm water.
  3. Use antiseptic as soon as possible.

After first aid, it’s very important to get to the nearest hospital or to consult your doctor.


Bat bite

Bat bite


A bat doesn’t usually attack people, but it can happen when the animal is trying to protect its territory. Numerous investigations tell us that bats are the carriers of many dangerous viruses, including rabies.

What should you do?

  1. Wash the bite with clean water and soap for 10–15 minutes.
  2. Use antiseptic as soon as possible.
  3. Apply a medical bandage.
  4. Consult your doctor or get to the hospital.